Dairy Herd Health Programs: The majority of our dairy clients are on routine herd health programs. Pregnancy diagnosis is performed at these scheduled visits. Along with pregnancy diagnosis we often talk about other areas on the farm whether it be with calf health, parlor or mastitis problems, and nutrition.
Milk Quality: We have an in-house mastitis lab where we can perform individual milk cultures and most times have next day diagnosis for your cow. Precise tests can be performed at our lab to find contagious bacteria, primarily Staph aureus. We also send bulk tank cultures and individual cultures to the Laboratory for Udder Health if necessary.
Milking Evaluation: We are able to perform in depth parlor and milking evaluations with the use of Parlor-pal and the Tri-scan unit. This equipment allows us to analyze your equipment pumps, pulsation and take-offs.
Record Analysis: Computers play a big part of our practice utilizing DC305. Provided you have Scout, DC305, PCDart or on routine test with DHIA we can analyze your records. Topics that we can look at include reproduction, mastitis, culling, milk production, components and events on the dairy. Most recently we have pulled farms of approximately the same size and compared data with each farm. These benchmarking meetings have been a great tool to use to get many producers in one area at the same time.
Calf Health: This is an area of opportunity on many farms. We troubleshoot different problems from calf scours to pneumonia. Ventilation is a problem on many farms and there are new cost efficient ways to ventilate calf housing areas that we can discuss. We also have many producers that have pasteurizers for feeding whole milk. This has also lead to many questions concerning exactly how properly pasteurize and feed the milk.